Thursday, 12 February 2015


On Monday Emily and I converted our trailer into a YouTube file and embedded the link into our blogs. Today I have completed a first draft for my magazine cover by creating the text and the layout  after manipulating my image on Photoshop yesterday.  

Friday, 6 February 2015


I have now completed first a first and then a final draft of my poster on PhotoShop and uploaded them to my blog with explanations.

Thursday, 5 February 2015


I came up with three initial possible names for my magazine cover and decided to go with 'The Big Screen' after brainstorming the pros and cons of each name on my blog. I then composed my cover lines and magazine slogan and collected the information needed, such as issue number, date, price and barcode and wrote them up on my blog. I also collected three fonts that I could use for the title of my magazine and analysed them on my blog and wrote up a summary paragraph about what I have learnt from my poster analysis amount film poster conventions and how this will influence my final poster.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015


I have now completed the analysis of two film posters from different generes. First I looked a poster for 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' which is an Adventure/Fantasy, I presented that analysis on PowerPoint and uploaded it as images to my blog. I then looked at 'The Host' which is a Romance/Sci-Fi, I presented that analysis on Slideshare and embebeded it into my blog.   

Monday, 2 February 2015


Last week I came up with three ideas for taglines that I could use on my poster and wrote about the pros and cons of each on my blog. I also chose an image to use for my poster and began editing it in Photoshop to make it look the way I want. I then worked on creating a credit block which is a
necessity for a film poster.  Today I have completed an anlalysis of five different fonts that could be used in my film poster on Power Point and presented in on slideshare, a link to which I have uploaded to my blog.